Wellbeing Service

As a UNSW affiliated Founder, we’re providing you with access to proven health and wellbeing services.

From moral support to clinical support, we want to help you take holistic care of yourself. If you are interested in finding out more about how we can help you improve your quality of life, fill out the form below.

Service overview

Elon Musk has likened starting a company to “eating glass and staring into the abyss.”

We know how tough it is for founders. 72% of startup founders are likely to experience mental distress, compared to 42% of non-founders. We’re not just here to support your startup, but also your personal health. From moral support to clinical support, we want to help you take hostic care of yourself. As a UNSW affiliated Founder (student, staff or alumni), we’re providing you with access to proven health and wellbeing services, in addition to UNSW's Student Wellbeing Services.

This service, run in partnership with Osana, delivers preventative care and personalised health plans and workshops, and is partially subsidised by UNSW Founders. This includes events run in partnership with Drop Bio, who provide fortnightly live webinars and Q&As with leading medical and holistic health specialists.

If you are interested in finding out more about how we can help you improve your quality of life fill out this form!

Wellbeing Events