Ready to Go: 5 Signs You're Ready to Leave your Job and take the Startup Leap 

There comes a moment when the cubicle life just isn't cutting it anymore.

The startup world beckons with its promise of innovation, creativity, and your own self driven purpose. So, how do you know if you're ready to dive headfirst into the chaotic, exhilarating universe of startups?  

Here are five signs to guide you on your path to startup success! 

The Mundane Monday Blues Turn into Motivation Monday Madness:

If your Monday morning routine feels more like a scene from Groundhog Day than the start of an exciting week, it might be time for a change. When the prospect of creating something meaningful, facing challenges head-on, and building from the ground up gets your heart racing more than your third cup of coffee, you're on the right track. Do you start the week feeling the itch to build something that you care about for yourself, rather than for someone else?

You're the Go-To Person for Crazy Ideas:

Are you the friend who's always scribbling business ideas on napkins, looking for a better way to do things, or dreaming of an app that will revolutionize the way we order pizza?

If your imagination runs wild, and you're the go-to person for out-of-the-box thinking, you're exhibiting a classic startup trait. The startup world thrives on bold ideas and the willingness to take risks, so if your mind is a playground of innovation, it's time to turn those dreams into reality. 

Networking is a Walk in the Park:

Networking is the lifeblood of startups, and if you find joy in building relationships, sharing ideas, and collaborating with like-minded individuals, you're not just socializing; you're laying the groundwork for your entrepreneurial adventure.

You’re the kind of person who wants to hear how other people did it, learn from their successes and failures, and take those insights on board for yourself.

Risk is Your Middle Name (or at least you wish it were):

Are you the type of person who sees risk as an opportunity rather than a roadblock? If the idea of stepping into the unknown thrills you more than it scares you, then congratulations, you're ready for the startup world.

Startups are all about navigating uncharted waters, taking calculated risks, and turning challenges into triumphs. So, if the thought of playing it safe feels more like a limitation than a comfort, it's time to embrace the uncertainty and let your risk-taking spirit soar. If you’re a do-er, then why wait?

You're reading this list and you’re curious about your next steps:

You’ve been considering a change, but the right opportunity hasn’t presented itself – until now.

UNSW Startup Year is your chance to take a leap into the world of startups, supported by a deeply entrepreneurial university. You’ll be supported (government backed! Mentors! Working space!) and nurtured in your innovation journey.  

So, if these signs hit close to home, what are you waiting for? Find out more and apply for UNSW Startup Year in 2024.


10 Reasons to Join UNSW Startup Year in 2024  


Post-Grad Curiosity? Welcome to your Startup Year.